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#include-once #include <Array.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Memory.au3> #include <StatusBarConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.2.3++ ; Language: English ; Description: Functions that assist with the Statusbar control ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; These functions use some code developed by Paul Campbell (PaulIA) for the Auto3Lib project ; particularly the _Mem* function calls which can be found in Memory.au3 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;=== Globals Global $debug = True Global Const $LowOrder = 0xFFFF ;=== End Globals ;=== function list ;=============================================================================== ;_GUICtrlStatusBarCreate ;_GUICtrlStatusBarCreateProgress ;_GUICtrlStatusBarDelete ;_GUICtrlStatusBarGetBorders ;_GUICtrlStatusBarGetIcon ;_GUICtrlStatusBarGetParts ;_GUICtrlStatusBarGetRect ;_GUICtrlStatusBarGetText ;_GUICtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;_GUICtrlStatusBarGetTip ;_GUICtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ;_GUICtrlStatusBarIsSimple ;_GUICtrlStatusBarResize ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetBKColor ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetIcon ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetParts ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetSimple ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetText ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetTip ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetUnicode ;_GUICtrlStatusBarShowHide ;**********Helper************** ;_CreateStructFromArray ;********** ToDo ************** ;_GUICtrlStatusBarSetExtendedStyle ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarCreate ; Parameter(s): $h_Gui - Handle to parent window ; $v_PartWidth - width of part or parts (for more than 1 part pass in zero based array) ; v_PartText - text of part or parts (for more than 1 part pass in zero based array) ; $v_styles - styles to apply to the status bar (Optional) for multiple styles bitor them. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns hWhnd if successful, or 0 with error set to 1 otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarCreate($h_Gui, $a_PartWidth, $s_PartText[, $v_styles = ""]) Creates Statusbar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)), Steve Podhajecki <gehossafats at netmdc dot com> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarCreate($h_Gui, $a_PartWidth, $s_PartText, $v_styles = "") Local $a_PW[1], $a_PT[1] If IsArray($a_PartWidth) Then $a_PW = $a_PartWidth Else $a_PW[0] = $a_PartWidth EndIf If IsArray($s_PartText) Then $a_PT = $s_PartText Else $a_PT[0] = $s_PartText EndIf If UBound($a_PW) <> UBound($a_PT) Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_Gui) Then $h_Gui = HWnd($h_Gui) Local $hwnd_Bar1, $x Local $style = BitOR($WS_CHILD, $WS_VISIBLE) If @NumParams = 4 Then $style = BitOR($style, $v_styles) ;~ $hwnd_Bar1 = DllCall("comctl32.dll", "long", "CreateStatusWindow", "long", $style, "str", "", "hwnd", $h_Gui, "int", 0) $hwnd_Bar1 = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "CreateWindowEx", "long", 0, _ "str", "msctls_statusbar32", "str", "", _ "long", $style, "long", 0, "long", 0, "long", 0, "long", 0, _ "hwnd", $h_Gui, "long", 0, "hwnd", $h_Gui, "long", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) _GUICtrlStatusBarSetParts($h_Gui, $hwnd_Bar1[0], UBound($a_PW), $a_PW) For $x = 0 To UBound($s_PartText) - 1 _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($hwnd_Bar1[0], $a_PT[$x], $x) Next Return HWnd($hwnd_Bar1[0]) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarCreate ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarCreateProgress ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Controld Id of status bar ; $i_Part - Optional: Part of the status bar to create the progress in (Default 0) ; $v_styles - Optional: Styles to apply to the progress bar for multiple styles bitor them. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns Control Id if successful, or if error is set to -1 and -1 is returned. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarCreateProgress($h_StatusBar[, $i_Part = 0[, $v_styles = ""]]) Creates ProgressBar in Statusbar part. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): eltorro, RagnaroktA, ; gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarCreateProgress($h_StatusBar, $i_Part, $v_styles = "") If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, -1) Local $i_pad = 2, $a_box[4], $v_ret If _GUICtrlStatusBarIsSimple($h_StatusBar) Then Local $i_parts = _GUICtrlStatusBarGetParts($h_StatusBar) _GUICtrlStatusBarSetSimple($h_StatusBar, False) $v_ret = _GUICtrlStatusBarGetRect($h_StatusBar, 0) $a_box[0] = $v_ret[0]; left $a_box[1] = $v_ret[1]; top $a_box[3] = $v_ret[3]; height $v_ret = _GUICtrlStatusBarGetRect($h_StatusBar, $i_parts - 1) $a_box[2] = $v_ret[2]; width _GUICtrlStatusBarSetSimple($h_StatusBar, True) Else If _GUICtrlStatusBarGetParts($h_StatusBar) - 1 < $i_Part Or $i_Part < 0 Then Return SetError(-1, -1, -1) $a_box = _GUICtrlStatusBarGetRect($h_StatusBar, $i_Part) EndIf ; Shrink the rect a little to fit inside panel $a_box[0] = $a_box[0] + $i_pad; left $a_box[1] = $a_box[1] + $i_pad; top $a_box[2] = $a_box[2] - $a_box[0] - $i_pad; width $a_box[3] = $a_box[3] - $a_box[1] - $i_pad; height ; Create the progress bar with the proper size. Local $Progress1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress($a_box[0], $a_box[1], $a_box[2], $a_box[3], $v_styles) GUICtrlSetResizing($Progress1, 802) ; dock all ; Change progressbars parent to statusbar If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) Local $h_Progress = GUICtrlGetHandle($Progress1) $v_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SetParent", "hwnd", $h_Progress, "hwnd", $h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($v_ret[0]) Then Return SetError(-1, -1, -1) Return $Progress1 EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarCreateProgress ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarDelete ; Parameter(s): hwnd - Handle to statusbar ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero ; If the function fails, the return value is zero ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarDelete(hwnd) Deletes the StatusBar control. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarDelete($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Local $v_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyWindow", "hwnd", HWnd($h_StatusBar)) If Not @error And IsArray($v_ret) Then Return $v_ret[0] Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarDelete ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetBorders ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns zero based array ; 0 - width of the horizontal border ; 1 - width of the vertical border ; 2 - width of the border between rectangles ; or zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetBorders($h_StatusBar) Retrieves the current widths of the horizontal and vertical borders of a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarGetBorders($h_StatusBar) Local $ret Local $borders_struct = DllStructCreate("int;int;int") Local $borders_struct_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($borders_struct) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @error, 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Local $struct_MemMap Local $i_Size = DllStructGetSize($borders_struct) Local $Memory_pointer = _MemInit ($h_StatusBar, $i_Size, $struct_MemMap) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf $ret = _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_GETBORDERS, 0, $Memory_pointer, 0, "int", "ptr") If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf _MemRead ($struct_MemMap, $Memory_pointer, $borders_struct_pointer, $i_Size) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) If @error Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) If (Not $ret) Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Else Local $a_borders[3], $x For $x = 0 To 2 $a_borders[$x] = DllStructGetData($borders_struct, $x + 1) Next Return $a_borders EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarGetBorders ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetIcon ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Part - The part to hold the text ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): return hwnd or zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetIcon($h_StatusBar[, $i_Part=0]) Retrieves the icon for a part in a status bar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <gehossafats at netmdc dotcom>, gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarGetIcon($h_StatusBar, $i_Part = 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Return _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_GETICON, $i_Part) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarGetIcon ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns the number of parts in the window, otherwise zero. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetParts($h_StatusBar) Retrieves a count of the parts in a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <gehossafats at netmdc dot com>, gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarGetParts($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Return _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_GETPARTS) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarGetParts ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetRect ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_part - zero based index of part to retrieve rectangle from ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns zero based array ; 0 - Left ; 1 - Top ; 2 - Right ; 3 - Bottom ; zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetRect($StatusBar[, $i_part = 0]) Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a part in a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarGetRect($h_StatusBar, $i_Part = 0) ;~ typedef struct _RECT { ;~ LONG left; ;~ LONG top; ;~ LONG right; ;~ LONG bottom; ;~ } RECT, *PRECT; Local $ret If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, -1) Local $RECT_struct = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") If @error Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Local $RECT_struct_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($RECT_struct) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @error, 0) Local $struct_MemMap Local $i_Size = DllStructGetSize($RECT_struct) Local $Memory_pointer = _MemInit ($h_StatusBar, $i_Size, $struct_MemMap) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf $ret = _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_GETRECT, $i_Part, $Memory_pointer, 0, "int", "ptr") If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf _MemRead ($struct_MemMap, $Memory_pointer, $RECT_struct_pointer, $i_Size) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) If @error Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) If Not $ret Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Else Local $a_rect[4], $x For $x = 0 To 3 $a_rect[$x] = DllStructGetData($RECT_struct, $x + 1) Next Return $a_rect EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarGetRect ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetText ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Part - The part to retreive the text from ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Text from part ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetText($h_StatusBar[,$i_Part=0]) Retrieves the text from the specified part of a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): tonedef, gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)), Steve Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarGetText($h_StatusBar, $i_Part = 0) ;== there is a built in function to use for this. See help documentation If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, "") Local $struct_String = DllStructCreate("char[4096]") Local $sBuffer_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($struct_String) Local $i_Size = DllStructGetSize($struct_String) Local $struct_MemMap Local $Memory_pointer = _MemInit ($h_StatusBar, $i_Size + 4096, $struct_MemMap) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, "") EndIf ;~ Local $v_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessageA", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETTEXT, "int", $i_Part, "ptr", $Memory_pointer) _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_GETTEXT, $i_Part, $Memory_pointer) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, "") EndIf _MemRead ($struct_MemMap, $Memory_pointer, $sBuffer_pointer, 4096) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, "") EndIf _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) If @error Then Return SetError(-1, -1, "") Return DllStructGetData($struct_String, 1) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarGetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Part - Nubmer of the part to retrieve length from ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Text Length ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ($h_StatusBar[, $i_Part = 0]) Retrieves the length, in characters, of the text from the specified part of a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com>, gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarGetTextLength($h_StatusBar, $i_Part = 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, -1) Return _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH, $i_Part) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarGetTextLength ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetTip ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Part - The part to retreive the text from ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Tip Text, on error empty string and @error is set to -1 ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetTip($h_StatusBar[, $i_Part=0]) Retrieves the ToolTip text for a part in a status bar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com>, , gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): The status bar must be created with the $SBT_TOOLTIPS style to enable ToolTips. ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarGetTip($h_StatusBar, $i_Part = 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, -1) Local $struct_String = DllStructCreate("char[255]") Local $sBuffer_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($struct_String) Local $i_Size = DllStructGetSize($struct_String) Local $wParam = (($i_Size * 0x10000) + $i_Part) Local $struct_MemMap Local $Memory_pointer = _MemInit ($h_StatusBar, $i_Size + 255, $struct_MemMap) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, "") EndIf ;~ Local $v_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessageA", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_GETTIPTEXT, "long", $wParam, "ptr", $Memory_pointer) _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_GETTIPTEXT, $wParam, $Memory_pointer, 0, "long", "ptr") If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, "") EndIf _MemRead ($struct_MemMap, $Memory_pointer, $sBuffer_pointer, 255) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, "") EndIf _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) If @error Then Return SetError(-1, -1, "") Return StringStripWS(DllStructGetData($struct_String, 1), 7);strip leading, trailing, and double ws. EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarGetTip ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): If this value is nonzero, the control is using Unicode characters. ; If this value is zero, the control is using ANSI characters ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ($h_StatusBar) Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarGetUnicode($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Return _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarGetUnicode ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarIsSimple ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): non zero - if a simple statusbar ; zero - if not a simple statusbar ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarIsSimple($h_StatusBar) Checks a status bar control to determine if it is in simple mode. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarIsSimple($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Return _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_ISSIMPLE) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarIsSimple ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarResize ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, otherwise zero. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) Resize Statusbar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MoveWindow", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 1) If IsArray($ret) Then Return $ret[0] Else Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarResize ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetBKColor ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $v_HexRGB - Hex RGB color to set Status Bar background ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns the previous background color or zero upon failure ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetBKColor($h_StatusBar, $v_HexRGB) Sets the background color in a status bar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarSetBKColor($h_StatusBar, $v_HexRGB) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Local Const $CLR_DEFAULT = 0xFF000000 Local $tc, $ret If $v_HexRGB = $CLR_DEFAULT Then $ret = _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SETBKCOLOR, 0, $CLR_DEFAULT) Else $tc = Hex(String($v_HexRGB), 6) $ret = _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SETBKCOLOR, 0, '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2)) EndIf If @error Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) If $ret = $CLR_DEFAULT Then Return $CLR_DEFAULT $tc = Hex(String($ret), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarSetBKColor ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetIcon ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_part - Nubmer of part to add icon too ; $s_IconFile - file to extract icon from ; $i_iconID - id of the icon ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns nonzero if successful, or zero otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetIcon($StatusBar, $i_part, $szIconFile, $iconID) Sets the icon for a part in a status bar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost ([email="custompcs at charter dot net"]custompcs at charter dot net[/email])) ; Note(s): To remove the icon from a part use -1 for $i_iconID ; If using simple status bar then set $i_part to 255 ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarSetIcon($h_StatusBar, $i_Part, $s_IconFile = "", $i_iconID = -1) Local $hIcon, $result If $i_Part = 255 Then $i_Part = -1 If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) If $i_iconID = -1 Then Return _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SETICON, $i_Part, $i_iconID, 0, "int", "hwnd") Else $hIcon = DllStructCreate("int") $result = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "ExtractIconEx", "str", $s_IconFile, "int", $i_iconID, "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon), "int", 1) $result = $result[0] If $result > 0 Then $result = _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SETICON, $i_Part, DllStructGetData($hIcon, 1), 0, "int", "hwnd") DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyIcon", "hwnd", DllStructGetPtr($hIcon, 1)) $hIcon = 0 Return $result EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarSetIcon ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_MinHeight - Minimum height, in pixels, of the window ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($h_StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) Sets the minimum height of a status window's drawing area. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight($h_StatusBar, $i_MinHeight) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SETMINHEIGHT, $i_MinHeight) _GUICtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarSetMinHeight ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetSimple ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $b_Simple - Display type flag. ; If this parameter is TRUE, the window displays simple text. (Default) ; If it is FALSE, it displays multiple parts ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetSimple($h_StatusBar[, $b_Simple = True]) Specifies whether a status window displays simple text or displays all window parts. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarSetSimple($h_StatusBar, $b_Simple = True) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SIMPLE, $b_Simple) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarSetSimple ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $s_Data - The text to display in the part ; $i_Part - The part to hold the text (Default: 0) ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise. ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($h_StatusBar[, $s_Data = ""[, $i_Part = 0]]) Sets the text in the specified part of a status window. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, ; gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): Set $i_Part to 255 for simple statusbar ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($h_StatusBar, $s_Data = "", $i_Part = 0) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, False) Local $struct_String = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_Data) + 1 & "]") Local $sBuffer_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($struct_String) Local $struct_MemMap Local $Memory_pointer = _MemInit ($h_StatusBar, StringLen($s_Data) + 1, $struct_MemMap) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf DllStructSetData($struct_String, 1, $s_Data) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf _MemWrite ($struct_MemMap, $sBuffer_pointer) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf ;~ Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessageA", "hwnd", $h_StatusBar, "int", $SB_SETTEXT, "long", $i_Part, "ptr", $Memory_pointer) Local $ret = _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SETTEXT, $i_Part, $Memory_pointer) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return $ret EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarSetText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetTip ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $i_part - Zero-based index of the part that will receive the ToolTip text ; $s_ToolTip - new ToolTip text ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): None ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetTip($h_StatusBar, $i_part, $s_ToolTip) Sets the ToolTip text for a part in a status bar. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarSetTip($h_StatusBar, $i_Part, $s_ToolTip) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) Local $struct_String = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($s_ToolTip) + 1 & "]") Local $sBuffer_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($struct_String) Local $struct_MemMap Local $Memory_pointer = _MemInit ($h_StatusBar, StringLen($s_ToolTip) + 1, $struct_MemMap) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf DllStructSetData($struct_String, 1, $s_ToolTip) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf _MemWrite ($struct_MemMap, $sBuffer_pointer) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SETTIPTEXT, $i_Part, $Memory_pointer) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) EndIf _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarSetTip ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetUnicode ; Parameter(s): $h_StatusBar - Handle to statusbar ; $b_Unicode - Determines the character set that is used by the control. ; If this value is TRUE, the control will use Unicode characters. (Default) ; If this value is FALSE, the control will use ANSI characters. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): Returns the previous Unicode format flag for the control ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($h_StatusBar[, $b_Unicode = True[) Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarSetUnicode($h_StatusBar, $b_Unicode = True) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, False) Return _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT, $b_Unicode) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarSetUnicode ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarShowHide ; Parameter(s): hwnd - Handle to statusbar ; state - @SW_SHOW/@SW_HIDE ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): If the window was previously visible, the return value is nonzero ; If the window was previously hidden, the return value is zero ; If the function fails, the return value is zero ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarShowHide(hwnd, state) Show/Hide the StatusBar control. (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)) ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarShowHide($h_StatusBar, $i_state) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) If $i_state <> @SW_HIDE And $i_state <> @SW_SHOW Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) Local $v_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ShowWindow", "hwnd", HWnd($h_StatusBar), "int", $i_state) If Not @error And IsArray($v_ret) Then Return $v_ret[0] Return SetError(2, 2, 0) EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarShowHide ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetParts ; Parameter(s): $h_GUI - Control Id of parent window ; $h_StatusBar - The Control Id (will be converted to hWnd) ; $i_Parts - Nubmer of parts to create ; $v_PartWidth - width of part(s) (Default: 100, can be an array of widths) ; ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): 1 if successfull, otherwise zero ; User CallTip: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetParts ($h_GUI, $h_StatusBar, $i_Parts[, $v_PartWidth = 100]). Sets the number of parts in a status window and the coordinate of the right edge of each part (required: <GuiStatusBar.au3>) ; Author(s): tonedef, gafrost (Gary Frost (custompcs at charter dot net)), Steve Podhajecki <gehossafats at netmdc dot com> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _GUICtrlStatusBarSetParts($h_Gui, $h_StatusBar, $i_parts, $v_PartWidth = 100) Local $struct_parts If IsArray($i_parts) Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) If $i_parts < 1 Then $i_parts = 1 If IsArray($v_PartWidth) Then $i_parts = UBound($v_PartWidth) If Not IsHWnd($h_StatusBar) Then $h_StatusBar = HWnd($h_StatusBar) If Not _IsClassName ($h_StatusBar, "msctls_statusbar32") Then Return SetError(-1, -1, 0) ;=== Set each part to be same size and assign the last one the remainder If Not IsArray($v_PartWidth) Then Local $a_tPartWidth[$i_parts], $part, $size $size = WinGetClientSize($h_Gui) For $part = 1 To $i_parts $a_tPartWidth[$part - 1] = Int(($size[0] / $i_parts) * $part + 1) Next $a_tPartWidth[$i_parts - 1] = -1 $struct_parts = _CreateStuctFromArray($a_tPartWidth, "int") If @error Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) Else $struct_parts = _CreateStuctFromArray($v_PartWidth, "int") If @error Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndIf ;== end set sizing Local $struct_parts_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($struct_parts) Local $struct_MemMap Local $i_Size = DllStructGetSize($struct_parts) Local $Memory_pointer = _MemInit ($h_StatusBar, $i_Size, $struct_MemMap) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndIf _MemWrite ($struct_MemMap, $struct_parts_pointer) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndIf _SendMessage($h_StatusBar, $SB_SETPARTS, $i_parts, $Memory_pointer) If @error Then _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndIf _MemFree ($struct_MemMap) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) _GUICtrlStatusBarResize($h_StatusBar) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlStatusBarSetParts ;=============================================================================== ; Helper functions ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: CreateStructFromArray ; Parameter(s): $a_Variable array to create struct with ; $structType, the SINGLE type of struct to create. ; Requirement: ; Return Value(s): ; User CallTip: _CreateStructFromArray ; Author(s): Steve Podhajecki <gehossafats at netmdc dot com> ; Note(s): ;=============================================================================== Func _CreateStuctFromArray($a_Variable, $structType) If Not IsArray($a_Variable) Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) Local $a_ctr, $strVar, $struct ;~ , $emsg[6] For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 $strVar &= $structType & ";" Next $strVar = StringTrimRight($strVar, 1) ;~ $emsg[0] = "No Error." ;~ $emsg[1] = "Variable passed to DllStructCreate was not a string." ;~ $emsg[2] = "There is an unknown Data Type in the string passed. " ;~ $emsg[3] = "Failed to allocate the memory needed for the struct, or Pointer = 0." ;~ $emsg[4] = "Error allocating memory for the passed string." ;~ $emsg[5] = "" $struct = DllStructCreate($strVar) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) ;~ $emsg[0] = 'No Error. ' ;~ $emsg[1] = 'Struct not a correct struct returned by DllStructCreate.' ;~ $emsg[2] = 'Element value out of range. ' ;~ $emsg[3] = 'index would be outside of the struct.' ;~ $emsg[4] = 'Element data type is unknown' ;~ $emsg[5] = 'index < 0.' For $a_ctr = 0 To UBound($a_Variable) - 1 DllStructSetData($struct, ($a_ctr) + 1, $a_Variable[$a_ctr]) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) Next Return $struct EndFunc ;==>_CreateStuctFromArray